Birth Story Connections
Birth Story Connections resources Coming Soon
Connect to the world we live in through your Birth Story
When gaining understanding and insights from ‘Birth Stories’ the more details we have the easier it is to determine potential ‘Birth Imprints’. However, many of us may not have had the opportunity to record such information or even have access to it anymore, particularly if our mothers have passed or we do not have direct contact with our birth mothers. Many births are also traumatic and due to this many mothers tend to block memories or find it very painful to relive. There are many ways in which we can still journey forward and into ‘Birth Stories’ without firsthand knowledge from the birth mother.
The answer to this question is a personal one and based on individual perspectives about how we develop and what we prioritise in our lives. Personally, after studying current research around how our brain develops and the nature of our ‘limbic system’ I believe that our “Birth Stories” create and govern our first impressions of the world around us and how to navigate through it.
Being able to understand our own and others imprints allows opportunities to nurture and strengthen the ones that will assist us to grow and develop in positive ways. It also provides insights into behaviours that may develop or have already developed that may not be healthy, therefore allowing opportunities for learning experiences that will alter and transform the imprint.
For me, I see ‘Birth Imprints’ as the knowledge needed to guide and write the ultimate handbook on ‘How to parent and teach the individual’.
The limbic system controls our emotional and behavioural responses and is considered to be made up of, but not limited to, a collection of structures such as the hippocampus, amygdala and the hypothalamus. These parts of the brain are known to be involved in the processing and regulating of emotions, the formation and storage of memories and how we learn, just to name a few.
The limbic system is currently being researched in regards to how the body copes with stress and has been directly linked to the endocrine and autonomic nervous systems.
Here at Isha Soul Seed Education, we value the limbic system as our personal blueprint vault. A place where we store physical and emotional experiences from conception and birth to use them as stepping blocks to build our views, perceptions, coping strategies and learning styles. That’s not to say that our blueprints cant be altered or renovated as we grow and evolve so that we can live our best life.