Birth Imprints2024-04-11T18:30:00+10:00

Birth Imprints

Birth Imprints

What are Birth Imprints?

On a physical level birth imprinting can be explained as a memory or recording that is stored or imprinted into the brains limbic system during the 4 stages of coming into human form:

Four Stages of embracing our human form

  1. Conception: Leading up to conception and time of conception
  2. Gestation: Antenatal/During pregnancy
  3. Birthing: Perinatal/At the time of birth
  4. Belonging: Postnatal/Postpartum/After birth

The limbic system is associated with our emotions, memory and how we shape our behaviours. Much research has been carried out regarding the correlation between the ways in which we are conceived, cared for in utero, birthed and nurtured after birth and how these affect the subconscious behavioural and emotional patterns we tend to carry throughout our lives. Our prenatal, birth experiences and first several months preceding birth are preverbal, therefore our energetic and physical bodies store our memories of these times as imprints, deep seeded, waiting for the opportunity to be expressed and revealed. However, they lay dormant until triggered and we are often unconscious of the imprint’s significance to our interactions, reactions and ways of responding to life’s experiences.

Benefits of understanding our Birth Imprints

Understanding our own Birth Imprints allows us to fully engage and embody life in the human form. We can learn from our birth stories and embrace opportunities that arise due to our imprints in all areas of our lives: physical, emotional, connections with others and self, attachment, abandonment, learning styles, anxiety, nervous system regulation or lack of, resilience and self-regulation and much more. We gain awareness that our ‘beginning’ was an awakening into our souls journey in this life, and are given clues on how to support and nurture ourselves with reverence, patience and love.

“Whatever we believe to be true during our birthing time governs how we change, adapt, learn and grow in life.” Robyn Fernance

On a spiritual or energetic level birth imprinting has the potential to allow us to see our Souls intentions for what needs acceptance, support, forgiveness or areas of growth, as well as strengths and gifts that can be passed on to others. This ultimately provides space in order to be at peace, harmony and in love with self. Working with your birth imprint creates awareness of consciousness and abilities to ground, centre, accept, allow and, the power to choose what you do with it all.

How Isha Soul Seed Education Nurtures Birth Imprints

We are born into a world already occupied by those who have come before us. We are guided by what they think is best at the time. We lovingly assume that the ways of being shown by those who have guardianship of us are the norm. We are taught their ways and yet when we hit a certain age we start to wonder about the things that never quite felt right, looked right etc. We begin to question our patterned behaviours, beliefs and ways of being. Some would say we begin to take ownership of our inner knowing. We reflect back on the choices we have made, good, bad or indifferent and hindsight becomes a regular state of mind. But what if we could take ownership of our inner knowing earlier? What if we could teach our children to consciously walk-through life with a ‘guiding map’ of the lessons they have been called to learn for personal growth and insights into how they can remove the conditioned patterning that no longer serves their highest good? Would you want the opportunity to gift this to them?

Ruldoph Steiner believed that “Our aim is not to touch the spirit but to let it be awakened”. When we impose our own thoughts, beliefs and generational patterning onto our children we forget that they are their own being and must be allowed opportunities to explore what that means for them. Yes, guidance and nurturing is needed in the formative years, as our brains slowly switch on areas such as the prefrontal cortex (which controls our executive functions and does not begin to switch on until the age of 4ish) are not yet fully developed but what if you could guide them based on what they are unconsciously seeking and support them on a more personal soul level of awakening to the world?

If we were able to see each other on a deeper level think of the possibilities! We become more aware, understanding, compassionate, patient, flexible, accepting, we become more loving. This is what Isha Soul Seed Education aims to achieve.

“Our birth story is a gateway, a guide for us to use as a navigation tool to learn from and grow with.” IShA

Examples of how Birth Stories can assist us to understand potential Imprints:

  • A sense that there is not enough time to do something or to develop the way I envision or planned.
  • A delay completing things that are needed to be done.
  • Have the ability to determine if something is not right and therefore make sure to avoid it, Or, determine if it is really right and then seek it out or want to stay immersed in it.
  • Become frustrated or confused easily if not given the opportunity to assess if it is right or not.
  • Delays for you or others by side tracking you into thinking about or doing something else.
  • Use words like ‘when’ instead of ‘have to’, for example ‘when you finish brushing your teeth, then I will read with you’, or ‘when you finish your homework, you can play’.
  • Help rationalise best case and worse case scenarios and how to feel about both. This will assist to understand intuition and learn to trust it.
  • Ask to feel into if it is for the highest good or that of others and if so, encourage to stay focused and on task. It will also allow insights into whether or not ego is driving the need or higher consciousness.
  • Have strategies in place to accommodate own timing because extra time may be needed or wanted on something, particularly if it is the right thing to be doing.
  • Anxiety if perceived that things are not going right.
  • Focus on what negatively could go wrong instead of what is already going well and how it could continue to do so.
  • A sense of feeling responsibility to police situations to try and prevent things from going wrong or in order to protect people.
  • Seek out drama in order to try and fix it.
  • Read stories about optimism and give examples of how keeping an open mind and inviting joy in is a more natural state of being.
  • Teach how to focus on the love of being together not the fear of being apart.
  • Differentiated activities and the opportunity to explore different ways of completing a task
  • More time to complete tasks
  • Provide ways to make them feel nurtured by offering to do a job for them at times
  • Space to try things for themselves first, but to know that they are being supported
  • Simplified tasks
  • Chunked instructions
  • Opportunities to switch off (a place to retreat)
  • Assurance in the playground that are not the one on duty and that someone else is looking out for everyone
  • Have a learning goal vision board
  • Lots of positive “I can do it” phrasing
  • Strategies that can be used when feeling things are too hard: take a breath, drink, positive affirmation etc.
  • Somethings may not be thought needed to be learned, so they won’t want to waste their time on it. Explain why it is important to their way of being so that they might focus on it
  • Lots of loving reminders that they are safe in the ‘here and now’ and that they have everything they need and are supported and loved.

Want to learn more about Birth Imprints?

If you are seeking more insight into understanding Birth Stories and potential Imprints and how to be guided by them and learn from them then there a few ways you can do this:

You can arrange one-on-one sessions with me by booking here. During this time, we will explore your needs for deeper understanding and how it may benefit you or your childs learning journey on all levels, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.


Join my mentor and teacher Heidi Wedd and I in the Flower Codes training and discover the Flowers and Herbs that are here to assist as in remembering and reclaiming all parts of ourselves.

Birth is vast and multifaceted; radiant and mysterious. Birth contains multiples, and through her we birth our multitudes. We give birth to our hopes and our fears, to our ecstasies and our agonies, to our joy and our disappointments…………May we all be blessed through instinctive birth”. Dr. Sarah Buckley (Gentle birth, Gentle mothering, 2009)

Frequently asked questions

What if I cannot remember all of the details of my birth or the birth of my child?2022-04-15T14:00:00+10:00

When gaining understanding and insights from ‘Birth Stories’ the more details we have the easier it is to determine potential ‘Birth Imprints’. However, many of us may not have had the opportunity to record such information or even have access to it anymore, particularly if our mothers have passed or we do not have direct contact with our birth mothers. Many births are also traumatic and due to this many mothers tend to block memories or find it very painful to relive. There are many ways in which we can still journey forward and into ‘Birth Stories’ without firsthand knowledge from the birth mother.

How important is it to learn about ‘Birth Imprints’?2022-04-15T14:01:28+10:00

The answer to this question is a personal one and based on individual perspectives about how we develop and what we prioritise in our lives. Personally, after studying current research around how our brain develops and the nature of our ‘limbic system’ I believe that our “Birth Stories” create and govern our first impressions of the world around us and how to navigate through it.

Being able to understand our own and others imprints allows opportunities to nurture and strengthen the ones that will assist us to grow and develop in positive ways. It also provides insights into behaviours that may develop or have already developed that may not be healthy, therefore allowing opportunities for learning experiences that will alter and transform the imprint.

For me, I see ‘Birth Imprints’ as the knowledge needed to guide and write the ultimate handbook on ‘How to parent and teach the individual’.

What is the limbic system?2022-04-18T15:15:01+10:00

The limbic system controls our emotional and behavioural responses and is considered to be made up of, but not limited to, a collection of structures such as the hippocampus, amygdala and the hypothalamus. These parts of the brain are known to be involved in the processing and regulating of emotions, the formation and storage of memories and how we learn, just to name a few.

The limbic system is currently being researched in regards to how the body copes with stress and has been directly linked to the endocrine and autonomic nervous systems.

Here at Isha Soul Seed Education, we value the limbic system as our personal blueprint vault. A place where we store physical and emotional experiences from conception and birth to use them as stepping blocks to build our views, perceptions, coping strategies and learning styles. That’s not to say that our blueprints cant be altered or renovated as we grow and evolve so that we can live our best life.

Birth Imprinting Programs

What I offer

One on one sessions and courses to provide individual assistance to dive deep into potential imprints and how they can be nurtured during physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development.

Disclaimer: The insights provided based on your birth story are not to be used as a diagnosis or prescription for how you are to be or develop into. They are merely a suggested guide and should be used with discernment and discretion

“You’ve taught me more in the classroom in two terms than I have learnt over the past ten years. I’ve watched your fun, respectful, responsive teaching style in awe. I love how you hold space for the kids to have normal, healthy emotions in a sustainable, safe and beautifully imperfect way”.

M. TA, 2021

“The environment that you create is so positive and uplifting, it’s the kind of environment that builds people’s emotional armour, I often think, how would Steph respond”.


“Steph has had considerable impact upon my values as a teacher and has inspired me to strive for excellence in teaching. I have the deepest personal and professional respect for her”.

S Kennedy

“I absolutely adore what you have created for us. I feel so much more in control and I feel so aligned with the way we are going to be learning”.


“If we could bottle you up! Exceptional lady. You absolutely changed our son from overwhelmed school-hater to loving school and being confident, interested and proud of his contributions. I will never be able to thank you enough for what you lit up inside our beautiful boy”.

C Mitchell

Need to know more?

Please feel free to contact me with your needs and questions I will be happy to assist you either via phone or email as soon as I can.

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